I know this is the second wine notice this week, but I couldn't I resist.
If you live in Downers Grove, you must visit The Cellar Door at 5150 Main St. tonight. They are having a blind tasting challenge that starts at 5 p.m. and last until 9. What the challenge entails is tasting 4 wines - 2 reds and 2 whites. How hard could it be? Tasters (that's you) will be asked to guess the grape varietal, the country of origin, the region of origin, and the age of the wine. Are you up for the challenge? The taster with the highest score at the end of the evening will receive a $25 gift certificate to The Cellar Door (the winner need not be present at the end of the evening when we tally scores...they will contact the winner).
To help newbie wine enthusiasts, The Cellar Door will also provide you with a "cheat sheet" on wine tasting to aid you during the tasting. The cost of the blind tasting is only $5.00.
So, pull out that dusty copy of the Wine Lover's Bible and start reviewing today! What a great way to start your Friday evening. Stop by before you head out for dinner.
For more information, call 630/241-2030 or e-mail thecellardoor@sbcglobal.net
Happy Eating (er ... drinking this time)! Mr. Foodie (See you there.)