I'm on a family holiday in Northern Door County (WI) with my wife, Cathy, and my two daugthers, Ava and Ellen. One of our favorite beaches is North Bay Beach at Rowley's Bay. When we spend the day at this beach we often grill out ... using the beach supplied barbecue grills. Have you used this type of grill? They are challenging, depending on the direction of the wind and the unexpected gusts that blow off the water. We had garlic and onion burgers for dinner.
Oh, yeah, here's a picture of a wayward Door County Seagull that would not leave us alone. He (or she) wanted to constantly sneak up to our table to grab a dropped morsel. The bird was very persistent to say the very least.

Happy Eating (and barbecuing at on your favorite open fire grill)! Mr. Foodie